
If I could change your mind... 

What would you expect? An argument? Or revolution?

How about being united. Being together and not divided. Isn't that the best way to transform?

Whatever you believe in remain devoted, steadfast, peaceful and faithful. 

Then you will help to change and transform from within.

International Day of M.E.Awareness

12th May

Today, especially in the UK, there is a lot of presence in the media and across the internet about M.E.

I challenge you to find out about it, be aware of it and have a small understanding about this potential silent killer. Yes M.E. does kill, a little bit of a sufferer each day, unless they can get control of it. But that takes time!

In most cases it takes at least a year to be diagnosed with the illness; and then there are good days, where you appear to have nothing wrong with you, and then there are bad days, where you can't move or even get out of bed because of the agony of pain. It makes you stressed, angry, frustrated and you take it out on your closest friend, your loving partner. You don't mean to, but if you leave it in, it eats you up more and more and the stress and anxiety can be so great that it triggers other symptoms.... the noise around buzzes inside your head, a simple scream seems like 50 people have just screamed, the light is so blinding it hurts your eyes and all you want is someone to turn the light off, you know the light that is on your bedside table in the middle of the night. And the outcome is you are curled up, unable to move, unable to see anything apart from whats 10cm in front of you, being present but not being present, requiring people to lift you into a wheelchair, people speaking to you as if you are being pathetic and stupid. Yet your closest friend knows what to do. A cup of tea and something to eat, to bring you round... an hour and a half later you are able to move slightly, your senses are returning to some form of normality. 

Having a conversation is difficult, try keeping up with someone that is talking at ten to the dozen, "I missed that what did you say"... I missed it, i've lost what they are going on about... oh hell they are talking to me... "um, sorry I zoned out". You begin to make excuses for your failings, you're in full flow and then BANG! "What was I talking about?" You completely lose your train of thought and become flustered. People start thinking you are thick, want to hurry you up, don't seem to want to listen anymore, because you are not making sense and then you are all alone.

I'm kind of lucky. Yet there are people who are worse; who are unable to move at all, completely bedridden, requiring 24 hour nursing care.

So last night, during a home mass, we said a prayer on behalf of Rosalind Amor, for all those affected by this chronic condition known as M.E., as part of Rosa's wish to Light a Candle to Remember ME

Rosa wanted to make a collage of photos of candles that have been lit. 
Please take a photo of your candles and email them so we can pass them on for her to use when she's well enough. 
If you still want to you can still support Rosa by doing the following 3 things:

You can also read more about this here.

Here is a prayer for when you light the candle:

Let this candle be a reminder of all those who have been affected by Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia...
  • May its light shine brightly to encourage those who struggle daily;
  • May it strengthen our will to bring awareness to professionals, authorities and those with no knowledge or understanding;
  • May it provide hope for children and young adults, that they may see a cure;
  • May it bring comfort to all those who care for someone afflicted;
  • May its light bring peace and remembrance to all those who have died.
For more information about M.E please go to Action For ME

Day 11 - Instruments of Peace

Prayer of St Francis of Assisi

Gather support, develop new friendships. We all like to be liked and want to be wanted. 

But not everyone will want to. They will judge you, they will reject you. They may not listen, they may prefer violence but it is important to deliver them.

Deliver the messages of love and peace.

Make us instruments of your peace wherever we go.

Day 10 - Shining light

When things appear dark or difficult, He appears as a shining light.

Listen to Him

Show us your glory and give us ears to listen to what you have to say.

Day 9 - Celebrate New Life

The words of this song from Be Be and Ce Ce Winans (featuring Whitney Houston) say it all.

Help us to celebrate new life with gratitude and love

Day 8 - Lack of faith

There are times when we all suffer a lack of faith.
  • Loss of a loved one
  • Suffering from a debilitating illness
  • Searching endless lists to find a job
  • Loneliness
  • ...
We listen to the storm that is going around our head.


Notice the light. There is always a light, we just have to be aware of it. Then calm.

Help us to follow you, whatever the questions, wherever you lead.

Day 7 - Bear Fruit

Life would be a lot simpler if we could tell true people apart from false people but all we have is this tree.

False people are those that would try and tempt you to stray
True people are trees planted by water, so that they can bear fruit.

When will you be like a tree that bears fruit? 
Apply yourself to being a discerning person and doing what is true.

Let us drink water, so we may grow strong to bear good fruit

Day 6 - Prayer

Make time to listen to yourself.
Make time to reflect on the day.
Make time to reflect on your anger.
Make time to ask for help.
Make time to ask for forgiveness.
Make time to forgive others.
Make time to say sorry.
Make time to pray.

Teach us to pray, to forgive and make us your people, as Yours is the kingdom , the power and the glory. For ever and ever.

Day 5 - The Challenge

What will make us listen to someone who is always there?

What will make us accept the challenges we are given?

What can we do to encourage others to follow suit? 

Help us to hear your voice, accept your challenge and follow you.

Day 4 - Marshmallows

Imagine you are sitting in that chair, with a marshmallow on the plate and you have to sit there for 20 minutes without eating it, in order to have a second. Could you succeed?

Can you be patient all that time, knowing it is staring at you? EAT ME!
Can you ignore it for all that time?  EAT ME!
Do you feel weak? EAT ME!
Are you really hungry? EAT ME!
What is your reward going to be? EAT ME NOW!

By being patient and waiting, your reward will be infinitely greater.

Give us wisdom to recognise temptation and the strength to resist.

Day 3 - Spectator or Worker?

How do you feel from seeing that clip?
Are these the type of stories you like to hear about?
Or are these the type of actions you would do?

Should we be the ones responsible for ensuring the homeless, those in poverty or those less fortunate than ourselves are looked after? In a way it is our responsibility, we elected the individuals who have the power to put things right.

But in the mean time, lets help to put them all back on the correct path and ensure that they are loved.

Help us to be ready when you call us to work with you.

Day 2 - Story of My Life

#WorldBookDay We are all characters within this story.

The story of my life is about how I came to be who I am.

To understand this I need to look into my family history... my siblings, my parents, my grandparents and great grandparents. Looking at characteristics of others and how I am so like them and finding out stories and secrets, once forgotten.

When was the last time that you looked at your life?
Who are you most like in your family?

Today we learn about stories, memories even, that point towards one person.

Are you ready to listen and hear them?
Are you ready to be a part of this amazing family?
Are you ready to share yourself?

Gracious Lord, as your heavenly rule extends on earth, help us to know your story and live as your family.

Ash Wednesday - Reasons to be Cheerful

Reasons to be cheerful. 

  1. Lent is a time about cleansing
  2. Lent is a time about refreshing
  3. Lent is a time about joy
  4. Lent is a time about sharing
  5. Lent is a time about reflecting
  6. Lent is a time about giving of Yourself


Everybody is welcome to take part.

Everybody is included.

Everybody is who He died for.

See Me Feel Me

Water flows and cleanses our skin, it washes away the grime, the dirt. Renew your Spirit and feel cleansed of all your worries.